James Chan
Teacher of Visual Arts
Teacher of Design
Shadow Puppets
Shadow Puppets
Shadow Puppets has it's roots in China, but the tradition spread across the world and reached as far as France. In a collaborative effort with the Drama and Chinese dept., Year 6 students learned about folktales, and Chinese myths, the history of shadow puppets. They later created their own puppets while learning about negative space and performed the play in Drama.
Artist Studied - Cy Twombly
Lines is a fundamental element of art that is often overlooked. Y6 Students studied this American artist's style and his use of lines in his famously cryptic paintings.
Art Movement Studied - Constructivism
From studying lines, the Y6 move on to the next step and learn about the relationship between lines and shape. They also learned some history about the Russian revolution and how it influenced this unique art movement.
Food Art
Creating Form
Artist Studied: Wayne Thiebaud
Wayne Thiebaud's whimsical subject matter of cakes and sweets is an excellent example of creating form in a drawing and/or painting. The students studied how shading creates the illusion of a 3D shape in their drawing. Students further understood his intention of trying to make his viewers smile, and then the students themselves chose objects to represent their own personal viewpoints in their artwork.
Giant Sculptures
Scale and Proportion
Artist: Claes Oldenburg
Oldenburg is a artist known for his humor, wit and gigantic sculptures. Students will learn about the concept of Scale and proportion and create paper clay sculptures that will end up being photographed and digitally manipulated into unusual sizes and locations.
Fantasy Fruits
Organic Shapes and Forms
Artist: Kate Malone
Kate Malone is a British artist who creates amazing clay sculptures using plan and vegetation for her inspiration. Her artwork is equally stunning as it is surreal. The year 7 students studied organic forms and shapes for weeks to understand what organic forms are, eventually leading up to their designs for their final clay sculpture.